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Need a New Carpet In-time for Christmas

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Floorstore Leeds | Carpet in-time for Christmas

Time is running out to get your Carpet Fitted In-time for Christmas!

I know it is almost surreal that we’re discussing Christmas already. However, the holiday season will arrive sooner than you realise and now is the perfect time to get your carpet fitted in time for Christmas. 

Your to-do list will soon be filled with countless tasks: buying gifts, preparing food, attending school plays, and the list goes on and on!

One thing that may not have crossed your mind yet is your carpet and flooring. December is a bustling month. Perhaps it’s your turn to host Christmas dinner, and undoubtedly, you’ll want your home to be in its best condition.

As you contemplate where your family will sit or whether you’ll serve turkey, beef for dinner, it’s worth ensuring that your flooring is up to the task.

However, you may not be aware that we are now getting booked up with people wanting their carpet fitted in time for Christmas.


Plus, another thing you may want to consider. Once your tree is up, we won’t be able to install your beautiful new carpet. So, before you retrieve your decorations from the attic. Take a moment to assess your living room to ensure your carpet can withstand the festive season.

It’s also a good idea to take a quick tour of your house. Will you have guests staying with you this Christmas? Is your guest room looking a bit worn out? A fresh coat of paint can help refresh the room, but a new, carpet will make a world of difference.

How we can help! 

At the Floorstore, we believe that the next few weeks are the perfect time to order and install a new carpet in preparation for Christmas. Why now, you ask? Well, the kids are back in school, college, or away at university, so you’ll have a quiet house during the day. This provides you with some extra time to get measurements and visit your local Floorstore to explore our impressive selection of carpets and flooring.

We also understand that times have been challenging, and money may be tight. When you visit Floorstore you’ll be delighted to discover that we not only have the widest range of flooring in Yorkshire but also offer unbeatable prices and buy now pay later options

So, what are you waiting for?

Locate your nearest Floorstore store today.

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